November Weekend Crafting with Glaze: Essential Application Techniques- Level:1

Prerequisite: Students should have completed basics in wheel throwing or handbuilding.  It is critical to have knowledge about ceramics which are introduced in these basic course before glazing is introduced.  Kindly discuss with the training team if more clarity is needed about this before registration.

A level 2 Glaze Application course will be conducted later catering to more complex forms and application processes.

Glazing takes an ordinary piece and transforms it into a work of art. Hence, glaze application is an important skill a ceramic artist needs to master. Once the skill is gained, the possibilities are endless. This course is a first level to that journey.

Glaze Application requires a lot of practice and precision to achieve accurate results. However, before an artist can start glazing, they must have a grasp on basic glaze application techniques. This course will introduce you to those basic techniques that an artist would need to start their journey.

These include,

  • What is a glaze and what they constitute of ? This knowledge is critical to understand the outcomes of glazing.
  • Techniques include: Dipping, pouring, glaze layering and application of underglazes. Along with, detailed explanations of usage and advantages of each technique.
  • Preparing and finishing of articles; Wax application, cleaning and Healing of articles before firing.
  • Glaze defects are flaws in the surface quality of a ceramic glaze. This Course will cover causes for these defects and how to fix them.
  • Kiln firing plays an important role in the outcome of glazing. You will be learning tricks and tips to get consistent outcomes.

In addition to a demo by the instructor, students will have a lot of practice per session. Also, students will be given a set of bisque articles to practice glaze application and take home. Students can also get one of their bisque articles which comes under the size dimension of 4"x 4" (Instructor will select according to the complexity of the article)

This is a 6 session course, 3 hours per session. We can accommodate only 8 students per Glaze Application course. Hence the registration will be on a first come first serve basis.

You will be working with Claystation cone 6 glazes and  underglazes that are also used by professional ceramic artists. The class fee includes firing of the articles and the required supplies.


Session dates(10:30AM to 5:30PM): 17th ,23rd  ,24th  November  (Full day Session).

Session dates(2:00PM- 5:00PM): 30th November  (Review Session with Instructor )

Article pick-up date: 30th November

NOTE: Post  30th November , the articles will not be saved any further in the studio.

Materials to be brought by students: 1 Bisque fired article which comes under the size dimension of 4"x 4", Plastic Covers(covering articles to avoid dust settling),Scissors, cutter, drawing compass, Pen, Pencil , Small Notebook , CD-markers.

Materials included in the Course :  1 Tumbler, 1 bowl and 1 Bottle, Materials required for glazing as well


Instructor Brief:

Shamli Jaganathan, from the serene landscapes of Tamil Nadu, embodies boundless enthusiasm, creativity, and patience as she explores various artistic mediums—lettering, calligraphy, embroidery, and glass painting. Yet, it is ceramics where her true passion resonates.

For Shamli, working with clay is a harmonious blend of art and science. Her style interweaves wheel throwing and hand-building, featuring intricate designs reminiscent of wood carving and engraving, while adding depth and texture through stains and underglaze patterns.

Driven by a love for the process, Shamli embraces each project as a journey of discovery, allowing her artistry to evolve and unfold with every creation.

 Instagram Handle :  @made_by_sham









  • On or before 7 days (10th November)  - Full refund
  • On or before 2 days (15th November)  - 50 % refund
  • Cancellation after (15th November) - No refund
  • All the refunds will be processed only after 15 working days post cancellation


  • Transfer to another person - If a person is not able to attend the program for any personal reasons, they can transfer their slot to another person for the program they have registered for, and inform the studio at least 1 day before to add them in the group.
  • Transfer to another class - Transfer to an alternative class date is not possible once you register. You will need to cancel the registration for the existing program (Cancellation and refund policy will apply) and re-register for the new program

3.Missed Sessions -

  • Claystation will schedule 1 make up session during the course.
    Kindly  Connect with Studio team   for the date .
  • Claystation will not offer refunds for the sessions missed
  • Claystation reserves the right to cancel or change the schedule of classes. The participant will receive a full refund in the event of cancellation. However, if the classes are rescheduled, you can opt for shifting to the next batch/postponed date or take a refund.

4.Studio Closure:

  • If the studio is forced to close due to factors outside of our control such as severe weather conditions, or an infectious disease such as Covid-19, we will make an effort to reschedule the paused sessions. However we will not offer any refunds

November 17th,23rd,24th and 30th | 10:30 AM- 5:30PM


Number of sessions: 7

Instructor: Shamli Jagannathan

Prerequisite: Beginner Wheel Throwing 01 or Handbuilding 01

Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

Age: 16 and above

Fee: 7100 Rs.

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