Learning with your hands.
We believe in creating an inclusive environment that shares knowledge and empowers you to go beyond technique. Our training department is fortified by our in-house experts, recurring panel of senior artists and our own findings from our very own Ceramic Lab. Our meticulous course structure gives you a solid foundation from which you can practice, experiment, and learn from your own mistakes.
Learning and working with artists and industry experts, frequently translate into collaborations and give young artists exposure and a platform to create their own network.

March Weekend(Afternoon) – Intensive Beginner’s Wheel Throwing program: Shape, Alter, Create!
March 1 - March 30 | Saturdays And Sunday Time: As mentioned in the link
Number of sessions: 10 Sessions + 5 flexible practice sessions
Instructor: Shruthi Sripathi
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

March Weekend “From Clay to Creation” : Intensive Beginner Hand-building program
March 15 - April 5 I As mentioned in the link
Number of sessions: 8 Sessions + 5 flexible practice sessions
Instructor: Chandana BV
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

Clay Date – One Day Workshop (17 Feb)
17 Feb 14:00 -18:00
Number of sessions: 2 hrs
Instructor: Ishitha and Mimingsa
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

Advance Handbuilding Course : Sculptural Compositions in Clay
March8th - March23rd | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
As mentioned above
Number of sessions: 20
Instructor: Ramya EM
Prerequisite: Understanding of constructing hand built forms that are at least 6in to 8in tall.
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

March Weekday “From Clay to Creation” : Intensive Beginner Hand-building program
17 March - 26 March I As mentioned in the link
Number of sessions: 8 Sessions + 5 flexible practice sessions
Instructor: Chandana BV
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

March Weekend Crafting with Glaze: Essential Application Techniques- Level:1
March 2,8,19 and 15 | 10:30 AM- 5:30PM
Number of sessions: 8
Instructor: Bijal
Prerequisite: Beginner Wheel Throwing 01 or Handbuilding 01
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

March Weekday Course -Intensive Beginner Wheel Throwing program: Shape, Alter, Create!
March 3 - March 14 | Timings as mentioned in the link
Number of sessions: 10 Sessions + 5 flexible practice sessions
Instructor: Rakshitha
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

November Weekend Crafting with Glaze: Essential Application Techniques- Level:1
November 17th,23rd,24th and 30th | 10:30 AM- 5:30PM
Number of sessions: 7
Instructor: Shamli Jagannathan
Prerequisite: Beginner Wheel Throwing 01 or Handbuilding 01
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

Intermediate Wheel Course : Form Explorations
1st Feb - 23rd March 2025
Saturday and Sunday
Number of sessions: 24 instructor led + 4 glazing sessions
Instructor: Shivu Mahesh
Prerequisite: Throw 1.2 kgs of clay, Belly, Vases and Bowls
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

4.5 Month Foundation Program (Jan 20th 2025 – May 31st 2025 )
January 20 - May 31 I 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Number of sessions: 4,5 Months
Prerequisite: None
Venue: Claystation Studio Koramangala

Introduction to Slip Casting (Weekday Course)
August 27 - September 10 I 10:30 - 5:30
Number of sessions: 12
Instructor: Kavitha Arvind, Bhubneswar and Ganesh Manickavasagam
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge or background in Ceramics
Venue: Claystation Studio, Koramangala

Elevate Your Craft: Slip Decoration Techniques (Weekend Batch)
May 26 - June 27 I 10:30 - 5:30
Saturday and Sunday
Number of sessions: 16
Instructor: Haritha Rajan
Prerequisite: Beginner Wheel Throwing / Hand-building
Venue: Claystation Studio, Koramangala